Electricity price increases partially withdrawn

Yesterday’s cabinet meeting also discussed the partial reversal of the massive electricity price increases since January. The cabinet decided on the following relief:

Commercial subscribers will receive a 25% discount up to a consumption of 900 kW/H.
VAT on electricity used in private homes and for irrigation in agriculture has been reduced from 18 percent to 8 percent. Furthermore, for private consumers, the limit for the cheapest tariff will be raised to 240 kW/H. This should result in savings of 8-14% for residential consumers and 25% for commercial consumers, according to the state president.

On 01.01.2022, the electricity price was raised by 50-125%. Thus, with the transition to the efficiency-based tiered tariff, the final price for consumption up to 150 kWh per month was TL 1.37/kWh for household consumers and TL 2.06/kWh for monthly consumption above 150 kWh .

With the 10 per cent reduction in VAT, the final price for consumption up to 240 kW/Hfor residential customers is 1.26 TL per kilowatt-hour and 1.89 cents for the portion from 241 kW/H.

The sharp increase in electricity prices in January 2022 of all months, which was also the coldest and rainiest/snowiest January in years, had triggered massive protests and demonstrations. Initially, the lower consumption limit was increased to 210 kW/H, with the latest decision now to 240 kW/h.

Furthermore, from 01.03.2022 until further notice, the following subscribers were additionally included in the cheaper “private consumer” group and now no longer have to pay the commercial tariffs: Association and foundation headquarters and their branches, Cemevleri (community rooms of the Alevi communities) as well as facilities for the supply and distribution of drinking water in villages.

In addition to the 24-hour tariff, you can also choose the “multi-time tariff”: This is the tariff where your electricity consumption is charged through 3 different unit prices between 06:00-17:00 – 17:00-22:00 – 22:00-06:00. As the unit prices in the Multitime tariff vary depending on the time zone, we recommend that you choose according to your usage habits. Your consumption will also be shown on your electricity bill according to these time zones if you have chosen the uniform tariff – so you can assess whether it is worth switching for you. For most consumers, however, the uniform 24-hour tariff is likely to be cheaper.

The prices in the multi-tariff are as follows:
Gündüz 06.00 – 17.00 1.370507 TL/kWh
Puant 17.00 – 22.00 2.159889 TL/kWh
Gece 22.00 – 06.00 0.739241 TL/kWh
The conversion to the triple tariff is done by the electricity suppliers at the request of the consumers. The triple electricity tariff can only be applied to consumers using electronic electricity meters, consumers using mechanical meters cannot benefit from triple tariffs. Since mechanical meters cannot distinguish between different times of the day, they cannot keep consumption records for different hours.

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